Start simple - make it your own flavor - change it up as you go. All we ask is: be inclusive, be creative, be safe, and for goodness sakes have fun!
Start a Facebook "Group"
... pick a fun name, make it "public," and invite friends. Congratulations...
you're a bike gang!
We are fo reel...
It really is that easy. Fight the urge to require RSVPs (unless you're grilling out and need a head count). Life is already busy enough. Get folks together, do a little safety briefing, go for a ride at a conversational pace, stop and play at a park, then after ride have refreshments and hang out with your neighbors. Make it your own. The ripple effect neighboring will blow your mind. #buildtheneighborhoodyouwanttolivein
Founded in 2016 to foster free family fun, more neighborhood friendships and neighboring.